
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Apocalypse: An Obsession

Why are we obsessed with the apocalypse? Apocalyptic mythology reaches back thousands of years across all human cultures (read here). We not only wonder how the world came to be, but how it will also end. Some of us want it so bad we try to make it happen whether for religious purposes or for our own personal enjoyment. Others believe they know when it’s going to happen from prophesies made thousands of years ago, recent prophesies past, and near future predictions.

Recently, the apocalypse has become a culture of its own sparking all sorts of popular fiction, zombie culture, and survivalist movements.

But why are we obsessed with our own demise?  Is it so we can be fully prepared when it happens? Because we want to die? Or because it will be the most exciting event in human history?

I asked, and they answered
I asked this question in the “Religion & Spirituality”, “Philosophy” and “Polls & Survey’s” section on Yahoo! Answers and the “Religion & Spirituality” and “Philosophy” forums on and got an array of answers. Unfortunately most are not posted here as I did not have permission from all answers.

Here are some of the answers from Yahoo!

People like the idea because it's a inner-conscience alternative to a different life from their own” - 

“people are obsessed with the end of days because whats cooler than the day the world ends? I would be sitting on my girlfriends roof with my girlfriend, some popcorn and a bag of chips watching it all unfold. Oh and an iced tea.” -Doofy

“for the same reason they had apocalyptic mythology for thousands of years
it's the primeval fear that kept our ancestors alive on the savannas of Africa from lions and such
only after human society evolved and we became disconnected fro m nature it manifested it self in the fear not only my life will end, my society will end, and the safety this society gives us will end with it.

atheists are also afraid of apocalypse prophecies of doom, global warming and over population
only difference these prophecies have more to do with realty then imagination.”-the Cool Mule

My opinion?
I too am obsessed with the end of the world, or rather after the end of the world. I find excitement in thinking about surviving the toxic wastelands and battling mutants, aliens, or zombies. I like the idea of strapping my bug-out bag to my shoulder and heading on a quest to the promised land. And apparently, others do too.

But most only enjoy it in the way of fiction and gaming. Most love the thought of their favorite video game coming to live.  They like the idea of living in a world with no rules, no law, and no one telling them what they can and can not do. Most like the idea of killing people, mutants, and zombies. They like the action, the killings, and the destruction with no consequences.  Most who love the apocalypse in the realm of fiction, if asked would they like to see an apocalypse leading to a post-apocalypse in their life time would say YES! Some would rather live in that dystopia than in a utopia.

As much as I like the idea of living in a post-apocalyptic world, sometimes I have to stop myself and think about what life would really be like. Life would be as real as frequent seizures from severe dehydration, constant diarrhea and vomiting from untreatable diseases, struggling to trek across a concrete desert while my muscles tighten and weaken from starvation. Depending on the type of apocalypse, I might have to murder my entire family who have turned into flesh eating zombies, I may get eaten alive my flesh eating cannibals if plants can no longer grow, I could be raped or beaten or tortured. I would have to run for my life, every day of my life, for the rest of my life. Now what type of life is that to live? Sounds fun huh?

No matter, because the apocalypse will come no matter how much we want it or how much we don’t. And just like the meaning of life we will continue to obsess over it until it happens. In the mean time, check out my favorite apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic media: Parable of the Sower, Parable of the Talents, Zombie Pandemic, The Walking Dead Comic and TV series, and Jericho.

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