
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It’s the Apocalypse! Assemble Your Team!

It’s the apocalypse! Zombies, natural disaster, economic collapse, aliens, rapture, whatever you prefer. The sky has burst into balls of fire. You’re desperately running out of food and water. And a mysterious stranger with a knife and/or razor sharp teeth is right behind you. As horrible as this may seem, it’s actually your lucky day. You’ve stumbled upon a group of random people with random occupations and you’re allowed to take five of them with you. Who do you choose to assemble your team?

I asked this question on Yahoo Answers and have so far gotten five answers.

Excluding one’s family I gave six choices to choose from including:

a nurse?
a scientist?
a marine?
a plumber?
a high school math teacher?
anyone else?

Answers ranged from “a scientist” to “anyone who wanted to come along as long as they worshiped the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as their God” to “Chuck Norris” (of course) to “a marine. If it was a viral situation. If it was an end of the world, no one can do anything about it. A Priest,” and finally “my high school math teacher....when im in a sticky situation i'd just push him onto the zombies and run...”

I’ve personally thought about this question for a very short period of time and have come to a conclusion of who I would like to take with me during an apocalyptic situation (excluding my family of course, because that would be too easy (or would it?)).

1. A Doctor – this is a simple one. The doctor is there to heal my broken bones and cure any diseases I acquire on the way to the promised land (which includes malls, theme parks, or Mount Everest.).

2. A Marine – we all know the marines kick more ass than the army, navy, and air force combined (or so I’ve been told, don’t kill the messenger). So when the crap hits the fan and you’re being chased down fifth avenue by a pack of mutants don’t hesitate to pick up the marine (though I suggest following his orders since you’re no longer the leader of the group after this, though I'm fine with that ‘cause I can’t shoot a gun worth crap).

3. That old Survivalist Guy Down the Street – you know, the one who uses barbed wire as a fence? Though we know the marine can survive almost any tough situation, he’s going to be busy chewing bubble and kicking ass. So how the hell are you and your team going to live off of wild berries and Twinkies? And for that matter, how are you going to find any Twinkies? That’s where That old Survivalist Guy Down the Street comes in. He’s been living on spam since the 1969 and trust me, he knows where to find whole dusty boxes of those things.

4. The Hot Chick or the Hot Guy – this is pretty easy. He or she is just there for eye candy and maybe for you to fall in love with depending on if he goes for the sexy doctor or if she goes for the bad ass marine first (or the other way around depending on their sexuality).

5. The Scientist – he’s just there to find a solution to all this crap. You know, like a cure or a death ray.

So, whoever you pick to take with you to the promised land during an apocalyptic situation (excluding your family) just remember my five top picks… unless your have a better group. And of course, don’t forget to have fun! It’s the apocalypse for crying out loud!